Wisewood Core is an expeditionary base or dungeon located in Sprite Tear Forest at Time Rift in Grand Fantasia. The dungeon doesn't have chain quest or quest line, but the main quest can be obtain simply by going in Sprite Tear Forest.
The main quest is a pop-up quest named Lv79. Thorny Rose or you can see it in unacquire. In he first quest you just need to talk to Ifu in Sprite Tear Forest. The second quest is name L79. Missing the Strongest Knight, this quest requires you to talk to Bella, so you will need to go inside Wisewood Core and kill all the boss. In order to make the boss appear, on the first stage you will have to clear all the mobs so the boss will appear then kill the boss and right after you killed it you will see a crystal and collect the quest item (Holy Sword - Poet's Ode Hilt). Just Repeat the steps for stage 2 and 3 and take the two remaining quest item you needed (Holy Sword - Poet's Ode Gem , Holy Sword - Poet's Ode Blade). At this point you will need to talk to Adrian, he is located near the entrance, you will need the 3 drop from crystals and give it to Adrian, then clear mobs again and you be able to see the last boss. When you killed the last boss you will need to wait for 1 min and wait until Adrian appears and let Adrian kill the Ranging Bain, lastly Adrian will ask you to kill a Traitor right after this you will need to go out of the dungeon and finish the quest.
If you want a video guide for this one i got it too so please check my YouTube channel Wisewood Core Video Guide. Don't Forget to Subscribe!!
1. QUEST NAME : L79. Thorny Rose
This quest is a pop - up when you enter in Sprite Tear Forest, you will see it on your screen but if there's none please check unacquire
Mission: Talk to --> NPC NAME: Cult General Ifu
NPC LOCATION: Sprite Tear Forest (X:397,Y:447)
2. QUEST NAME : L79. Missing the Strongest Knight
In this quest you will have to kill all the boss first before you can see bella inside Wisewood Core
Mission: Talk to --> NPC NAME: Bella
NPC LOCATION: inside Wisewood Core
3. QUEST NAME : L79. Mission Traitor
Get the quest from --> NPC NAME: Cult General Ifu
NPC LOCATION: Inside Wisewood Core
Mission: Defeat Traitor --> <Traitor> Feist
NPC LOCATION: Wisewood Core (X:515 , Y:159 )
If you have follow up question about this topic please let me know comment down below, contact me in my YouTube or Pm me in game my IGN is Tonaya
Thank you so much guys! Enjoy~
Blog Spot : https://ninyatonaysgrandfantasiaguide.blogspot.com/2022/02/all-dungeon-location-in-grand-fantasia.html
YouTube Channel --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUQKSwWAuDSXWsHBzGFyjyQ
Paypal --> https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/NinyaTonaya
IGN: Tonaya
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